Saturday 30 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6)- Road Traffic lights Demonstration App Usin...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0(VB6)- Road Traffic lights Demonstration App Using Timer and Shape Control

as we know that how traffic lights works..

But in this video demonstration, following  issues i.e

*How will you design the Traffic light using Shape control.

*How will you make the traffic lights functional using timer control.

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Source Code:

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Static state As Integer

Select Case state

Case 0

shpred.BackColor = vbRed

shpyellow.BackColor = vbWhite

shpgreen.BackColor = vbWhite

lblmsg.Caption = "Stop"


Timer1.Interval = 7000

state = 1

Case 1

shpred.BackColor = vbWhite

shpyellow.BackColor = vbYellow

shpgreen.BackColor = vbWhite

lblmsg.Caption = "Wait"


Timer1.Interval = 2000 state = 2

Case 2 shpred.BackColor = vbWhite

shpyellow.BackColor = vbWhite

shpgreen.BackColor = vbGreen

lblmsg.Caption = "Go"


Timer1.Interval = 5000

state = 0 End Select End Sub

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Wednesday 27 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- ListBox Control- Advanced- Hospital Wards - Pat...

Hospital Wards - Patients Health Status Application
In App, Two List Boxes List1 "Ward" and List2 "Patients" are used .
When we click on the any ward i.e ICU,GENERAL, ward list,Name of patients of the particular will be appeared in the Patients List.
Secondly,When you click on the name of the patient in the Patient List,It will show the Health Status of that Patient.
This demonstration is only illustrating the working of listbox control in depth.
Just watch first 5 seconds of the video to know more about this app
 Source code

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Source Code for Hospital Wards - Patients Health Status Application:
Private Sub List1_Click()
Dim ward As String
ward = List1.Text
Select Case ward
Case "ICU"
List2.AddItem "Ramesh"
List2.AddItem "Kamal"
List2.AddItem "Raman"
List2.AddItem "Sanjeev"
List2.AddItem "Kamal"
List2.AddItem "Palvinder"
List2.AddItem "Priya"
List2.AddItem "Naina"
List2.AddItem "Reena"
List2.AddItem "Jonny"
List2.AddItem "Kewal"
List2.AddItem "Raman"
List2.AddItem "Rajinder"
List2.AddItem "Kishore"
List2.AddItem "Rajan"
List2.AddItem "Rocky"
List2.AddItem "Mohit"
List2.AddItem "Aman"
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()
If List2.Text = "Ramesh" Then
Text1.Text = "Patient is Under Medical Supervision"
ElseIf List2.Text = "Sanjeev" Then
Text1.Text = "Patient is Critical"
ElseIf List2.Text = "Jonny" Then
Text1.Text = "Patient is  under rehablitation"
End If
End Sub

Sunday 24 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick ...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick and easy
A ComboBox control is a combination of a TextBox and a ListBox control.
This video demonstration is focused on following points.
How can you add combo box into your form.
How can you add list items into your combo box control during loading of a form.
also how combo box works  with textbox.
as we click on any list item in  drop down list,it shows the values in the text box in the application (Know your Politician App).
it is simple application to demonstrate working of Combo box and its properties.


Code :

Private Sub Combo1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "Raja Virbadra Singh" Then
Text1.Text = "Present Chief Minister of H.P."
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Prem Kumar Dhumal" Then
Text1.Text = "Ex -Chief Minister of H.P."
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Narender Modi" Then
Text1.Text = "Prime Minister of India"
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Arun Jeitali" Then
Text1.Text = "Finance Minister of India"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem "Raja Virbadra Singh"
Combo1.AddItem "Prem Kumar Dhumal"
Combo1.AddItem "Narender Modi"
Combo1.AddItem "Arun Jeitali"
End Sub

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick and easy

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick and easy
A ComboBox control is a combination of a TextBox and a ListBox control.
This video demonstration is focused on following points.
How can you add combo box into your form.
How can you add list items into your combo box control during loading of a form.
also how combo box works  with textbox.
as we click on any list item in  drop down list,it shows the values in the text box in the application (Know your Politician App).
it is simple application to demonstrate working of Combo box and its properties.


Wednesday 20 May 2015

How to Install Adobe Page Maker 7.0 in Windows 7-Made easy

How to Install Adobe Page Maker 7.0 in Windows 7-Made easy
Simple steps to install adobe page maker in Windows 7.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -List Box Control- Move List Items Between the Li...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -List Box Control- Move List Items Between the List Boxes (Move Items from one List to another List).
1.How can you add list items into the ListBox during design time.
2.How can you move list items from one list to the another list i.e (from left side to right side of the list ).

Thursday 14 May 2015

Learn V B 6.0- ListBox Control -Add,Delete and Clear items from List

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with ListBox Control -Add,Delete and Clear items from List.

Listbox is used to present a list of choices to the user.

This tutorial is focused on following points.

*How can you add list box control onto the form.

*How can you set the properties and write code  for adding items into  List .also remove and clear the items from the list.

*We can also include the functionality to enable the add button when we starts typing in the textbox.,disable the button,when No typing.

*Also at last ,we can change the look and feel of the form .so that it looks good and interactive..

Source code is available at link.

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Source Code:
'For adding items into the list
Private Sub add_Click()
List1.AddItem Text1.Text
Text1.Text = ""
lblcount.Caption = List1.ListCount
End Sub

'For clear items into the list
Private Sub clear_Click()
lblcount.Caption = List1.ListCount
End Sub

'For deleting items into the list
Private Sub del_Click()
Dim ind As Integer
ind = List1.ListIndex
If ind >= 0 Then
List1.RemoveItem ind
lblcount.Caption = List1.ListCount
End If

End Sub
'For enble and diable the command button
Private Sub Text1_Change()
add.Enabled = (Len(Text1.Text) > 0)
End Sub

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Friday 8 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Scroll Bars-Apply millions of Colors onto the VB form

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Scroll Bars-Apply millions of Colors Onto the VB form

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -Display Date and Time Using Timer Control-Quick and Easy

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -Display Date and Time Using Timer Control

How can you display System current  date and Time using Timer Control
The Timer control allows you to perform a task at a specified interval or to wait for a specified length of time.
Quick and easy